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Top Homeopathic Remedies And Medicines For Insomnia or Sleeplessness



Are you struggling to get sound sleep during nights? Check out here top homeopathic remedies and medicines for insomnia or sleeplessness.

Top Homeopathic Remedies And Medicines For Insomnia or Sleeplessness
Top Homeopathic Remedies For Insomnia or Sleeplessness

Insomnia, in other words is sleeplessness, it is a sleeping disorder where one has difficulty in sleeping, and a person might struggle falling asleep or staying asleep for a long duration.
It can also cause you to wake up early and not being to go back to sleep again.


Insomnia is categorized by-

  • daytime drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • increased risk of accidents
  • low energy levels
  • irritation, and depressed mood.

It has a major impact on one’s work, productivity and quality of life as it creates problems in focusing and learning.
Insomnia is categorized as both short term- which lasts for few days or weeks, and long-term which can be more than a month.

Causes of Insomnia:

There are many conditions, which result in insomnia, like:

  • Mental and psychological stress
  • Anxiety and fears
  • Chronic pain
  • Unhealthy sleep habits
  • Indigestion
  • Certain medication, and
  • Consumption of products such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

Sleeplessness leads to less blood flow in brain and therefore it becomes necessary to diagnose the root cause of this disease and cure it.

Treatment for Insomnia:

First and foremost treatment for insomnia is sleep hygiene and changes in lifestyle. Sleep hygiene includes a regular bedtime, proper food, and regular exercise.

It is important to find out the real cause of insomnia before deciding which treatment to give.
Homeopathy can help one achieve a good night’s sleep. Below is a list of the symptoms and homeopathic medication, which should be given to help insomnia patient:

1. Passiflora Q- 20-30 drops while sleeping

Take this medicine when:

  • Insomnia happens due to anxiety, or specially happens in children or old age people who face lots of stress or have a lot of work to do.

2. Coffea 200 as per requirement

Take this medicine when:

  • Sleeplessness is due to some good news.

3. Gelsemium 30 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Sleeplessness is caused due to some fear, terror or any bad news.

4. Ignatia 200 or 1M – 3 dose

Take this medicine when:

  • Sleeplessness is due to frustration, despair, grief or due to death of a near one

5. Belladonna 30 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Sleeplessness happens due to blood circulation in brain.

6. Nux Vomica 30 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Insomnia happens as a result of continuous thinking due to which mind is not at rest.

7. Sulphur 30 – twice a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Sleep is disturbed due to petty noises and one is not able to sleep again

8. Phosphorus 30 – twice a day

Take this homeopathic medicine for good sleep when:

  • Specially for Old people, who are able to sleep in daytime but suffer from insomnia during night

9. Ambra Greezia 30, 2-3 times a day

Take this medicine:

  • Sleeplessness caused due to tension

10. Kali Phos 6x or 30 – as per requirement

Take this medicine when:

  • Sleeplessness is due to neurasthenia, tension or excitement

11. Biochemic Medicine:  Ferrum Phos

Take this medicine when:

  • Remedies for sleep disorder symptoms such as body posture while sleeping, talking while asleep, not able to sleep etc.

12. Medorrhinum 1M or 10M

This medicine should be given when:

  • Sleeping on your stomach

13. Cina 30 or 200

This medicine should be given to:

  • Children who sleep on their stomach, as the stomach is swells due to excess food or insects. Children who sleep in cradle or after lots of patting

14. Aethusa 30

This medicine should be given to:

  • Children who sleep soundly after vomiting milk

15. Kali Brom 30

This medicine should be given to:

  • One who sees a nightmare, shouts while sleeping or chatters teeth

16. Lycopodium 200

This medicine should be given to:

  • Patients who sleep with their eyes half open.

17. Belladonna 30

This medicine should be given when:

  • Drowsy but still not able to sleep

18. Jalapa 30

This medicine should be given:

  • Patient is able to sleep in day but cries in night.

19. Coffea 30, or 200

This medicine should be given:

  • Not able to sleep due to happiness.

20. Nux Vomica 200

This medicine should be given:

  • Sleeplessness is due mental stress.

21. Mag Phos 6x or 30

This medicine should be given when:

  • Patient keeps sobbing while sleeping

22. Pulsatilla 200

This medicine should be given to:

  • Patients who talk in their sleep.

23. Stramonium 200

This medicine should be given when:

  • One is not able to sleep in dark.

24. Borax 200

This homeopathic sleep aid should be given when:

  • Sleep is disturbed suddenly and one fears of falling down

Biochemic Medicine: Ferrum Phos 30x, or Kali Phos 6x

Note: Medication should be provided keeping in mind patient’s other medical symptoms. They should be taken into consideration and as per requirement take the treatment.

Incoming Search Terms

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Homeopathic sleep aid
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Homeopathic medicine for insomnia
Homeopathic sleep remedies
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Homeopathic remedy for sleeplessness
Homeopathy for sleeplessness
Homeopathic  remedies for sleeplessness insomnia
Homeopathic medicine for good sleep
Insomnia medicine in homeopathy


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anger control homeopathy

Homeopathy Medicines And Remedies For Anger, Outbursts And Irritability



Anger is one of the most dangerous emotion that can make any situation worse. Check out these best homeopathic medicines and remedies for anger, outbursts and irritability.

Homeopathy Medicines For Anger, Outbursts And Irritability
Homeopathy Medicines For Anger, Outbursts And Irritability

Anger management literally means controlling anger. Anger is a normal human emotion but when it gets out of control, it can become unhealthy leading to lots of problems.

Uncontrolled anger can lead to problems at work place, in relationships, at home and can have adverse effect on one’s health and mind.

Anger is yet another human emotion, it is a way of expressing one’s rage, or that the situation is upsetting or saddening or unjust.

Some causes of anger: 

  • Sickness: when a person suffers from mental or physical sickness, they get irritated and that irritation comes out in the form of anger.
  • Past experiences: some past experience that still haunts you as you weren’t able to express your anger or opinion at that time may trigger this emotion.
  • Current situation: maybe you are unhappy with the current phase of your life and that makes you frustrated and angry.
  • Childhood and Upbringing: a person who had a hard or traumatized childhood or harsh upbringing may suffer from chronic anger as a way of coping method.

Homeopathy has many medicines that help us in anger-management lets check it out.

Best homeo medicine to control anger

1. Chamomilla 200 or 1 ml, as needed

Amazing Homeopathic remedy for angry child. Give this homeopathy medicine when:

  • To the kids/infant gets angry and calm down after you pick them up.
  • Have loose motion. Cough or breathing issue due to anger.

2. Staphysagria 200 or 1 ml, once a week

Take this homeopathy medicine when:

  • Faced with the consequences of anger and insult and getting stressed due to the doings of others.
  • Your face becomes pale and yellowish due to anger.

3. Nux Vomica 30, three times a day

Take this homeopathy medicine for anger control when:

  • Face becomes red due to anger
  • Feeling irritated, want to take revenge, whenever someone stops you from doing something or if you don’t feel like answering to anyone.

4. Lycopodium 30 or 200, as needed

Take this homeopathy medicine if:

  • You want people to follow your opinion and advice only especially in evening.
  • You are always ready to argue on any matter.

5. Cena 200, two times a day

Give this homeopathy medicine when:

  • The kid is short-tempered due to worms in stomach.
  • Kids get angry before the onset of a cough.

6. Calcarea carb 200 or 1 ml, as needed

Take this homeopathy remedy for anger and anxiety when:

  • You are fat with loose skin.
  • After sex, before going to clean your bowel or getting a cold you get angry.    

7. Iodium 200, as needed

Take this homeopathy medicine when:

  • You feel extreme anger.
  • You feel like hitting anyone in the close proximity.

8. Nux Mascita 30, two times a day

Take this homeopathy medicine when:

  • You are pregnant and it makes you angry.

9. Stramonium 200 or 1 ml, as needed

Take this homeopathy  medicine when:

  • You laugh and get angry simultaneously.

10. Tarentula Hispanica 200 or 1 ml, as needed

Take this homeopathy  medicine when:

  • You are feeling hopeless and somebody indulges in a conversation with you or accidentally touches you making you angry.

11. Hipper sulfur 200 or 1 ml, as needed

Take this homeopathy medicine when:

  • Your anger is too violent and you feel like stabbing someone.

12. Sulphur 200 or 1 ml, as needed

Take this homeopathy medicine when:

  • You remember your past regrets and mistakes.
  • The anger is so severe that you want to harm yourself.

13. Colocynth 200 or 30, as needed

Take this homeopathy  medicine when:

  • Trying to hide the anger makes the patient faint.

Some tips to manage anger:

  • Don’t hold grudges against anyone, let bygones be bygones.
  • While angry, try not to speak or react as it makes thing chaotic leading to more anger.
  • Once calm, express and release your anger creatively without hurting others.
  • Get some exercise to relieve stress and anger from your body.
  • Take a break or a moment in heated argument and be quiet so that anger does not overcome you.
  • Use humor to subdue your anger.

Incoming Search items:

Anger remedies homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies for anger and irritability
Homeopathic remedy for anger outbursts
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Homeopathic medicine for anger control
Homeopathic medicine for anger
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Best Homeopathic Remedies, Medicines and Treatment For Vertigo or Dizziness



Are you suffering from the problem of vertigo? Check out here possible causes and best homeopathic remedies/medicines/treatment for vertigo or dizziness.

Homeopathic Remedies For Vertigo or Dizziness
Homeopathic Remedies For Vertigo or Dizziness

Vertigo is a condition or you can say a symptom where a person feels that everything around himher is moving or spinning when they are still. Vertigo can be very severe and affect one’s normal day to day tasks, and can last from few seconds to several days making it difficult to do routine activities.

Causes of Vertigo:

There are two types of Vertigo- peripheral and central.

1. Peripheral Vertigo:

This type of vertigo is associated with problem in inner part of the ear and balance. The most common cause of peripheral vertigo are :

  • BPPV- which is an abbreviation for Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. This is mainly due to some problem in the inside part of the ear and its symptoms are feeling of dizziness due to movement of head position. One may feel nauseated.
  • Labyrinthitis – It is inflammation in inner ear which might lead to dizziness. This can last as long as 3-6 weeks and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, high temperature, pain in ear and tinnitus.
  • Head injury
  • Vestibular Neuronitis – this is a condition where the inner nerve of the ear connecting to brain gets swollen or inflamed.
  • Meniere’s disease – This is again a rare condition of ear which leads to vertigo and can even lead to loss of hearing.
  • Medication- taking certain medication also results in vertigo. 

2. Central Vertigo:

Central vertigo is associated with brain, i.e. cerebellum or the lower part of brain connecting to spinal cord. The most common cause of central vertigo are:

  • Migraines
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Brain tumour
  • Stroke 
  • Medication: taking certain medication also results in vertigo.

Homeopathic treatment for Vertigo:

Homeopathy has effective medicines for treatment of Vertigo or dizziness . Below is the list of homeopathy medicines which can help cure the problem of vertigo.

1. Cocculus Indica 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this Homeopathic remedy for dizziness when:

  • Person experiences dizziness, just like after taking drugs and feels nauseated. 
  • Feeling of dizziness in head due to movements like while sitting, standing or moving around in bed due to which patient has to lie down again in bed.

2. Aurum met 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this Vertigo treatment in homeopathy when:

  • Patient experiences dizziness while walking or bowing the head down, problem in vision, sees double or half instead of one. 
  • While walking one stumbles on his left side. 

3. Theridion 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Patient experiences dizziness when there is a small movement of head or turning over side wise while sleeping, opening eyes while coughing increases dizziness along with feeling of nausea. 

4. Conium Mac 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this Homeopathic cure for vertigo when:

  • Dizziness is experienced due small movement of head, turning over side wise while sleeping, and Anemia. This medicine is especially beneficial for unmarried people.

5. Cadmium 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this Homeopathic medicine for vertigo when:

  • One feels as if the house door and all the other things around himher are spinning like a spin wheel; severe burning sensation in head.

6. Ammonium carb 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • One experiences dizziness in the morning when you get up from your bed feeling lightheaded and any direction you turn your head, it feels like that direction is moving or spinning.

7. Mencinella 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this Homeopathic remedy for vertigo when:

  • Dizziness is due to the feeling of lightheadedness or emptiness

8. Argentum Nitricum 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Patient is feeling dizzy when looking up at tall buildings
  • Has headache
  • Head is growing larger and something is crawling inside it.

Incoming Search Terms

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Homeopathic medicines for female hysteria

Top Homeopathic Remedies And Medicines For Female Hysteria



Presenting here top homeopathic remedies and medicines for female hysteria. Read on!

Top Homeopathic Remedies And Medicines For Female Hysteria
Homeopathic Medicines For Female Hysteria

Hysteria means uncontrolled emotional excess.  The word hysteria originates from the Greek word hysterika meaning uterus. Though now the term hysteria is abandoned by the modern medical professionals and has been given more specific category.

Hysteria is mainly a neurotic disorder; it is when the nerves in our body respond differently due to problems like grief, insomnia, suicidal nature etc. Women are more prone to such diseases. The brain nerves causing mental stress or nervousness are the main reason behind hysteria.

Various causes of Hysteria:

  • Conflict
  • Mental Stress
  • Depression
  • Sexual restraint
  • Prolonged sickness
  • Grief 
  • Emotional stress


There are a variety of symptoms, which help in identifying if one suffers from nervous disorder:

  • Weakness and paralysis of muscular groups.
  • Patient laughs or cries alternatively.
  • Severe spasm with clenched hands, shivering.
  • Fear and grief
  • Palpitation
  • Severe headache
  • Fits

Types of Hysteria:

There are two types of hysteria:

1. Conversion disorder: Conversion disorder is where patient suffers from physical illness and has no medical history related to it.

2. Dissociative disorder: Dissociative disorder is in which patient experiences short-term memory loss, consciousness.

But both the above types have a common reason behind them: nervous disorder, psychological or emotional stress.

Homeopathic Remedies: for treatment of Hysteria

Homeopathy is one of the most popular and complete systems of medical science. It does not only aim at treating the disease but also help in identifying the cause behind it.  The remedies are based on the individual symptoms, their severity, personality and type.

There are few methods, which one can follow along with the homeopathic treatment, which can help in speedy recovery:

Calling someone: Calling a friend, relative or anyone with whom one can share emotions helps a lot. It helps in distressing and venting out the hidden anger, anxiety.

Walking around: Taking a stroll helps clear the mind, stimulate blood flow, acts as a distraction.

Below is the list of homeopathic medicines, which can be given to hysteria patient depending on their symptoms

1. Ignatia 200 – as per requirement

Take this medicine when:

  • The patient is suffering from hysteria due to grief, fright etc.

2. Pulsatilla 30 or 200 – as per need

Take this medicine when:

  • Women do not have menstrual or have the tendency to cry a lot or if the symptoms keep changing.

3. Platina 200 – as per need

This medicine should be given:

  • To patients specially women who show hatred during fit or have the tendency to get naked. 

4. Aurum Met 200 or 1M – 3 dose

This medicine is to be given

  • To patients who have strong suicidal nature. 

5. Hyocyidum 30 or 200 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Patient (women) suffers from fits during menstrual cycle or one who suffers from the problem of constant doubt e.g. someone might poison him/her.

6. Asafoetida 30 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Bloating due to gas, spasm or burning sensation etc. 

Give the medication to a patient affected by hysteria caused due to them continually suffering from common disease like cough, loose motions, skin disease etc.

7. Nuv Vomika 30 – 3 times a day

Take this medicine when:

  • Patient suffers hysteria due bloating, constipation, hiccups etc.

8. Coffea 30 – 3 times a day:

Take this medicine when:

  • Patient suffers from insomnia along with fit; severe headache s if a nail was being driven into the top of the head.

9. Conium 200 or 1M – as per need

Take this medicine when:

  • Patient suffers from hysteria due to suppressing sexual desire, or to have a feeling of relaxation after intercourse.

10. Tarentula C 200 or 1 M – as per need

Take this medicine when:

  • The music soothes a patient, Low tolerance towards touch or squeeze.

11. Moschus 30 or 200 – as per need

Take this medicine when:

  • Patients are restless, soft hearted, and crazy. Susceptibility to faint if provoked, while eating or during menstruation period. Feeling cold and shivering. Uncontrolled laughter. 

Incoming Search Terms

Homeopathic remedies for hysteria
Homeopathic remedies for female hysteria
Homeopathy for hysteria
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