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Homeopathy Remedies For Bronchitis [Allergic And Chronic]



Get into the article to know about the best homeopathic remedies to help you cure Allergic and Chronic Bronchitis.

Homeopathy Remedies For Bronchitis [Allergic And Chronic]
Homeopathy Remedies For Bronchitis [Allergic And Chronic]

Bronchitis refers to the swelling of the small and big respiratory tracts. This illness causes extreme difficulty particularly if contracted by children and senior citizens. If the root cause is difficult to cure, it can prolong for quite a while.


Bronchitis can be contracted due to change in temperature, getting cold, getting wet or wearing wet clothes for long, mild fever, catching a breeze while sweating etc.


Symptoms of this condition are: common cold, headache, lazyness, coughing, vibrations in chest, trouble in breathing, mild fever etc.


This largely depends on the phase of the illness.

During the first phase of illness:

1. Aconite 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • an apparently healthy individual catches dry cold 
  • experiences anxiety along with cold, high fever, fear etc

2. Ipecac 6 or 30, after every 30 minutes until comfort arises

Take this Homeopathic medicines for bronchitis when

  • A wheezing cough
  • difficulty in breathing
  • constant tightening in chest
  • chest is full of mucus but doesn’t come out with cough
  • vomiting during coughing
  • tongue is clean
  • no feeling of thirst at all
  • constant feeling of nausea which stays even after puking

3. Sticta P 30 6 or 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Blocked nose
  • patient feels unhealthy and docile
  • coughs in the morning

4. Rumex 6 or 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Large amounts of thin, yellow and frothy mucus
  • coughs due to tickling sensation in the throat pit
  • coughing increases during night or on intake of cold air 

5. Spongia 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Bronchial nasal along with which there is anxiety in the chest
  • Asthma cough in which cold air brings a lot of mucus and  stops breath
  • the illness increases in a hot room or laying down with a bent head
  • Anemia, when weak individuals catch high fever

6. Belladonna 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Redness in eyes and face
  • high fever along with faintness feeling
  • feeling a burning heat 

7. Bryonia 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Feeling thirsty a lot
  • high fever
  • chest and acute head ache on coughing, 
  • headache increases on moving making the patient lie down quietly

8. Merc Sol 30, three times a day

Take this Homeopathic remedies for bronchitis in adults when

  • High fever with a lot of sweating but no relief
  • mouth laden with saliva
  • foul smell
  • tongue bears teeth marks, swelling of tongue

9. Dulcamara 30, three to four doses after every three hours

Take this medicine when

  • Illness during change of weather, especially when days are warm and nights are cold

If the above dosages do not help, give the patient a dose of Sulphur 30 and wait. Then after the symptoms clear, give medicine according to the remaining symptoms. For those who contract this illness time and again, give them a dose of Tuberculosis 200 or 1M once a -1onth for a few months.

During the second phase of illness:

1. Hepar Sulph 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • the fever increases with slightest exposure to cold weather, even with a little exposure to the hands
  • there is wrangling in the chest and secretion from the nose happens very slowly

2. Phosphorous 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • The illness increases in evenings when patient lays down on the left side
  • patient is unable to sleep
  • ache in throat
  • craving for cold fluids
  • the moment cold fluid gets warmed in the stomach there is vomiting

3. Antimonium Tart 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • There is a wrangling sensation in the chest
  • coughing out loose mucus but still mucus can’t be taken out, whiteness in tongue 

4. Carbo Veg 30, four times a day

Take this medicine when

  • there is no respite from other medicines and patient wants to be under the fan or open air
  • patient is in a collapsing state
  • the sweat, breath as well as tongue becomes cold

During the third phase of illness:

1. Pulsatilla 30, two to three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • there is improvement owing to other medicines, however, the mucus has still not cleared
  • thirst and sense of taste have not returned
  • patient wishes to be in cold air

The Bio-chemic medicine Kali Sul 6X, is also beneficial in such cases.

Bronchitis occurs commonly due to Psora or Pseudo-Psora. Hence, Suplphur and Tubercolinum are the most important medicines for this illness.

Homeopathic Treatment For Chronic Bronchitis

1. Senega 6 or 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Coughing that ends in sneezes
  • wrangling sensation in the chest with an ache in the exterior
  • creation of a lot of mucus (specially in senior citizens) which does not come out easily
  • nose blockage and diarrhea occur side by side 

2. Kali Carb 30 or 200, once in a week or as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • Inflammation of trachea along with sensitivity in chest
  • very little outage of sticky mucus whose amount increases in mornings or after meals
  • development of mucus is more in humid rooms

3. Naphthalene 6 or 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • filling of cold air
  • twitching in chest along with coughs letting out a sticky mucus
  • patient experiences a lot of discomfort

4. Tuberculinum Koch 200 or 1M, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • Thicker mucus development in old people
  • patient catches cold fast yet still wants to be in cold environments

5. Hydrocyanic acid 30 or 200, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • Blackness or yellowness in mucus
  • twitching sensation in the larynx along with contractions
  • suffocation
  • patient experiences pain along with tightening of chest

5. Sulphur 30 or 200, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • Peeped mucus which is significant in the morning and thickens during evenings

6. Calcarea Carb 30 or 200, once in a week as per dosage required

Take this Homeopathic medicines for bronchitis when

  • Foul smelling mucus which stays afloat on water
  • the illness soars in cold temperatures and is soothed in warm ones

7. Homeopathic Treatment For Allergic Bronchitis

Take this medicine when

  • an individual is allergic to a certain food product or environment and exhibits symptoms of bronchitis, he may be having allergic bronchitis. 
  • Treatment would be more effective if it is in accordance with the underlying cause.

It is often observed in children that after 10-15 days of getting resistant injections, bronchitis is developed.

8. One dose of Drosera 1M

Take this medicine when

  • bronchitis is developed after B.C.G injection

9. Pulsatilla 6 or 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • fever increases after intake of bread, fragrant drinks, ice cream, pastry, eggs, fish, oily items, meat etc.

10. Silicea 30 or 200, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • fever increases due to smell of food, honey, meat, milk, after disease resistant injections or due to humid climate

11. Psorinum 200 or 1M, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • fever increases due to bathing in cold water, exposure to cold winds, cold drinks, eating pear fruit and after resistant injections

12. Thuja 200 or 1M, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • After acquiring injection, intake of apple, beer, fish, onions and having tea in humid climate increases fever

13. Natrum Sulph 200 or 1M, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • Apple, Cauliflower, cold food, fish, fruits, potato and humid climates increase illness

14. Rumex 30, three times a day

Take this medicine when

  • Eating banana, exposure to slight cold breeze, talking at night increases the illness
  • patient feels relief after covering the head and body

15. Kali Carb 30 or 200, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • After Measles; mucus development is more in warm rooms
  • condition worsens on eating bread or between 2 and 4 in the morning 

16. Lachesis 200 or 1M, as per dosage required

Take this medicine when

  • Development of mucus is more in cold breezes
  • Acid, Alcohol, cold foods intensify the condition
  • illness is also worse on waking up

Incoming Search Terms

Homeopathy bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis and homeopathy treatment
Homeopathic remedies for bronchitis in adults
Homeopathic medicines for bronchitis

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